
Friday, June 12, 2009

Mela's Angel

Melas Angel
Melas Angels, Centropyge tibicen, are often found living within the safety of live rock of the reefs found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Also known as the Keyhole Angel or Tibicin Angel, it is among the largest of the Dwarf Angels as it can reach captive sizes up to 8". Members of the genus Centropyge are referred to as dwarf angels because of their small size, generally three to six inches in length. Dwarf angels are generally very peaceful fish with the exception of members of their own species and possibly genus if they look enough alike. Provide dwarf angels with a balanced diet containing algae and sponge, which are readily available as prepared or frozen foods. Another addition to the aquarium that will benefit dwarf angels is live rock. It provides a great source of food as wwell as hiding places

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