
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Cleaner Shrimp

Cleaner ShrimpCleaner Shrimp
Cleaner Shrimp
, Lysmata amboinensis, is a native of the entire Indo-Pacific region and the Red Sea. Also known as the Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp, this shrimp is a highly effective scavenger. Cleaner Shrimp help to keep the aquarium clean of uneaten debris. It is also well documented that these shrimp are able to clean parasites from fish and eat aiptasia anemones. These cleaning duties make these shrimps very desirable as members for the reef community. They are generally tolerant of others of their species in the same aquarium. All shrimp require Live Rock or similar aquarium decoration to use for hiding, especially when molting. This species must molt in order to grow. Molting generally occurs at night, the shrimp will lay on its back and exit its exoskeleton. A new exoskeleton is excreted and will harden over a period of several hours. The animal is vulnerable at this time and should not be disturbed. Proper iodine levels assist with successful molting.

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