
Friday, June 12, 2009

Green Moray Eel

Green Moray Eel
Green Moray Eel, Gymnothorax funebris, is one of the largest members of the Eel family. Its body has velvety-smooth sheens of green, yellow, and brown. At a maximum length in the wild of nearly eight feet, it should be kept in only the largest of home aquariums. Largely a nocturnal feeder, the Green Moray Eel will often be visible during the day, even if only when peering out from under or between any decorative rock provided. Eels are hearty eaters who also produce a great deal of waste. Because of this, a well-established aquarium and excellent water filtration is highly recommended. Green Moray Eels have been known to attack humans and have caused injury. Its natural home is in the Western Atlantic ranging from Southern New England down through South America. Larger specimens are ciguatoxic as they secrete a toxin, making their skin poisonous to eat. This Eel is undoubtedly a carnivore who prefers meaty foods including silversides, krill, clam, and carnivore preparations. It may be kept with other aggressive fish, as long as the fish do not fit into the Eel's mouth. As with all Eels, an aquarium with a tight-fitting cover must be provided to prevent escape.

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