
Friday, June 12, 2009

Clown Trigger

Clown Trigger

Clown Trigger, Balistoides conspicillum, is native to the Indian and Pacific Ocean. Triggers are hardy fish and would be great for any level aquarist. It is among the largest and most aggressive of the Triggerfish. This should be considered when choosing to keep this fish. It should be kept only with equally aggressive tankmates who will be able to defend themselves. (Examples: large Puffers or Groupers.) Clown Triggers should not be kept with other members of its species. Also, keep in mind that this fish should be kept in a tank large enough to allow room for growth. Clown Trigger is a carnivore and should be fed multiple times daily. Large portions of squid and krill, soaked in a vitamin supplement, as well as other meaty foods will be enjoyed by this fish.

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