
Friday, June 12, 2009

Blue Devil

Blue Devil (Aus.)
Australian Blue Devil, Paraplesiops meleagris, bears no resemblance to the cartoon or the land animal, but is an incredibly beautiful fish from Down Under. Its coloration is a deep blue with fluorescent blue spots. Unlike many fish whose colors mute with age, these spots become more apparent as the fish matures. The grey-blue coloration of its juvenile body also becomes a more vivid blue. Typically growing from six to eight inches long in the home aquarium, it can grow to a foot in the wild. At this size (and with its slow-moving mannerisms), it is often both predator and prey. Its grouper-like mouth and eating habits mean that it may swallow whole any fish that will fit into its mouth. It can also fall prey to many indigenously dangerous fish including Anglers and Scorpionfish. Aborigines natives also consider this fish a delicacy. Somewhat reclusive, it can be seen in rocky areas and in the overhangs of cliffs. A carnivore, it does best with filling portions of krill and meaty frozen preparations. Hardy by nature, the Australian Blue Devil is a great fish for aquarists of all experience levels and a good aquarium fish where small fish and ornate crustaceans are not present. Its pointed, flowing fins and outstanding coloration make it an aquarist favorite.

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